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Government bans: what’s next for Tiktok influencers?

TikTok has created overnight celebrities and fostered trends in every corner of the globe. Many brands have benefited from positive reviews while others flopped in sales due to negative reviews. The platform has dominated social media with over 2 billion downloads worldwide. However, several Western governments have banned the app, and still, others are considering a ban, so the future for TikTok influencers seems uncertain.

Tik-Toks popularity

The app quickly gained traction due to its ease of use, entertaining content, and unique algorithm that caters to users’ interests. As of Q1 2021, it had over 689 million active users worldwide, with India, the US, and Brazil being its top markets. Young users comprise a significant portion of TikTok’s audience, with approximately 60% being between 16 and 24 years. This demographic has attracted various brands looking to engage with potential consumers through creative marketing strategies.

Government Restrictions

Several governments have imposed bans due to concerns ranging from national security to privacy issues. Notably, India banned the app in June 2020 alongside 58 other Chinese apps, citing data privacy concerns. This decision has affected an estimated 200 million active users in the country. Following India’s lead, the United States has contemplated a ban; although it has not materialized, concerns remain. Italy, and the Netherlands, have investigated restrictions, while Australia has joined India in banning due to similar issues. 

Migration to other Apps

The potential restrictions and ban on Tiktok have left its influencers in limbo. Influencers who have used it as their primary source of income since its inception may now be forced to seek alternative apps. Instagram and Youtube have gained shelter from migrating influencers, while others have started using emerging apps like Dubsmash and Triller to retain their audiences. Due to uncertainties, brands hesitate to create marketing campaigns using the platform, forcing influencers to seek new sponsorship and partnerships. Is Tiktok headed in the same direction as WeChat and Pinduoduo? Only the future will tell.

”Data privacy concerns are a real risk concern, and, understandably, governments may want to protect their users; many apps have raised safety concerns, and it is high time we devise a way to prevent these apps from hitting the market before irreversible damage is caused. Companies should also do their due diligence and ensure safety and privacy issues are adhered to before endorsing any of these apps,” commented Mohamed Raza, Logie’s lead engineer, and security expert

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