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How to earn more commissions by uploading shoppable photos?

Shoppable content is a great way for creators to expand their reach across platforms. But many influencers disproportionately focus on just videos and do not give shoppable photo posts the chance they deserve. In this guide, we highlight how to create high-quality shoppable images either from scratch or by repurposing your existing shoppable videos on Logie.

You’ll also learn how to easily publish these photos on Amazon and different social media networks so you can maximize exposure and generate more in commission earnings.

Logie makes everything super easy for you so you save time and (more importantly) generate high-quality content for free.

Create a shoppable post on Logie

Follow the steps below to create a shoppable post from your Logie dashboard.

Step 1: Go to your Logie dashboard

Login to Mylogie. From the right top area of the screen, click on the +Create button then select ‘New Content

Step 2: Select Product Post

From the dialog that pops up, select the ‘Product Post’ option.

Step 3: Select Product

Choose the product you want to promote. Feel free to select the appropriate tab at the top (e.g., My Products, Opportunities, Collection, etc.) from the top and use the categories menu and other filters to narrow down to the specific product that you’re looking for.

Step 4: Create Content

  1. In the Create New Post dialog, generate/write the post title, then follow the steps to generate or write a description (make sure to tick the green checkbox next to the description). Click ‘Next’ when done.
  • Select Content Date and hit Submit. Click ‘Next’.
  • Click on ‘Generate Thumbnail‘ or choose to upload a thumbnail that you’ve created via Canva or other graphics tools. Edit the thumbnail options appropriately specifying the right Aspect Ratio, thumbnail settings, background image, talent image, icon image, and more. Hit on the ‘Generate’ button once done.

Step 5: Download Post and Copy Description 

Click on the little green ‘Download’ Icon to download the thumbnail file you have created to your computer or device. Next, click on the ‘Copy Description’ button to copy the title and description you have created. You can now post this image and description to any of your social media pages.

NOTE: you can also access photos and descriptions from your existing shoppable videos (that you have already created on Logie) and upload them directly to social media networks.

Upload your Shoppable Post to Amazon and Social Media Networks

Here’s how to upload your Logie-generated shoppable post to Amazon, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest so you can generate more commissions.

1.      Upload to Facebook

Go to your Facebook page or Group then head to photos and upload the picture you downloaded from Logie. Next, paste the description you copied from Logie (which comes with everything including the link and hashtags).

Any sale generated from clicking on this post earns you a commission because Logie tracks everything behind the scenes.

2.      Create Post on Amazon

Go to Amazon’s Create Post page.

i. Tag the product by pasting the ASIN.

ii. Paste the description that you created in Logie. You can always retrieve the description by login in to Logie then going to your content section to access posts you have created.

3.      Upload Post to Instagram

 Login to your Instagram account and click on ‘Create New Post’.

Select the thumbnail from your computer then click ‘Next’. Paste the description in the image caption field then click on ‘Share’.

4.      Upload to Pinterest

To upload to Pinterest, you may first want to optimize the image using Canva so it can match the vertical layout required. 

i. Create a blank Pinterest template

ii. Paste your thumbnail into the template then change the background appropriately (or make any other changes that will help it look uniform and professional.

iii. Download the image from Canva

iv. Login to Pinterest and upload the image as a PIN.

Note: you’ll need to paste the link separately in the destination link field and the rest of the description you copied from Logie in the caption areas.


It’s that easy, less than 10 minutes of your time and you have created an excellent shoppable post and shared it on Amazon and your main social media platforms. So make sure you repurpose all your old content into shoppable posts.

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