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Logie’s Commitment to Full Compliance with the Amazon’s Associate Program

At Logie, your safety and security are our top priorities. We want to reassure you that the Logie platform is designed to help you create and manage your influencer website (go.shopping/@alias) and boost your Amazon Influencer growth.

This is entirely compliant with Amazon’s Terms of Service, specifically Section 5 (“Distribution of Special Links”):

5.  Distribution of Special Links Through Software and Devices 
You will not use any Program Content or Special Link, or otherwise link to an Amazon Site, on or in connection with (a) any client-side software application (e.g., a browser plug-in, helper object, toolbar, extension, component, or any other application executable or installable by an end user) on any device, including computers, mobile phones, tablets, or other handheld devices (other than Approved Mobile Applications); or (b) any television set-top box (e.g., digital video recorders, cable or satellite boxes, streaming video players, Blu-ray players, or DVD players) or Internet-enabled television (e.g., GoogleTV, Sony Bravia, Panasonic Viera Cast, or Vizio Internet Apps).

As a reliable platform, Logie strictly follows Amazon’s guidelines and prevents unethical or deceptive tactics that could harm end-users or manipulate the Amazon Associates program. We take pride in maintaining a fair, transparent, and ethical ecosystem for all our users.

What does Amazon’s section 5 entail?

Amazon implemented this section because of the following bad practices that were performed in past years by bad actors:

  1. Browser plug-ins or extensions: Some affiliates created browser extensions or plug-ins that would automatically replace other affiliates’ links with their own when a shopper clicked on an Amazon product link. This allowed them to “steal” commissions from other affiliates by taking credit for sales they did not refer to.
    Logie neither supports nor allows the use of any applications that automatically replace other affiliates’ links, ensuring fair credit for all sales referrals.

  2. Adware or malware: Some affiliates used adware or malware to force users’ devices to load Amazon pages with their affiliate links embedded, even when users did not intend to visit those pages. This would lead to more commission for the unethical affiliates while creating negative user experiences.
    Logie is completely free of malicious software that could force users to load Amazon pages with affiliate links involuntarily, preserving a positive user experience.

  3. Spamming: Some affiliates would use plugins, extensions, or tools to automatically spam forums, social media platforms, or comment sections with their affiliate links, hoping to get unsuspecting users to click through and make a purchase. This annoyed internet users and went against Amazon’s guidelines about promoting products in a relevant and non-intrusive manner.
    Logie prohibits spamming forums, social media platforms, or comment sections with affiliate links, adhering to Amazon’s guidelines of promoting products in a relevant and non-intrusive manner.

  4. Cookie stuffing: Some affiliates would use “cookie stuffing” techniques, which involved placing an Amazon affiliate tracking cookie on a user’s device without their knowledge or consent when they visited a website. This would lead to commissions earned by the unscrupulous affiliates for purchases made by that user on Amazon, even if they did not click on their affiliate link or had no connection with the affiliate.
    Logie does not use “cookie stuffing” techniques, protecting users from having Amazon affiliate tracking cookies unknowingly placed on their devices.

Amazon clearly states that section 5 doesn’t impact the software that you use to help you build or maintain your website, which is exactly what Logie does.

By adhering to Amazon’s restrictions, we support a healthy, fair, and transparent environment for the Amazon Associates Program, ensuring a consistently positive shopping experience for you and your go. Shopping website visitors.

The Logie tool is designed specifically to help you build your Amazon Influencer’s website and generate legitimate, white-hat traffic to Amazon through your go.shopping/@alias website.

As an official Amazon Ads partner, Logie is obligated to follow strict guidelines when it comes to data safety and privacy. You can read our terms of service here and our privacy policy here.

Enjoy peace of mind knowing that you’re always in safe and reliable hands with Logie.

Join Our Community

Logie is a thriving community that brings together eCommerce brands and influencers. Our AI, creator tools, reporting features, monetization model, and training programs are redefining brand-influencer collaboration and social commerce as you know it. Welcome to this space. 

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