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Set Up Your Logie Account for the First Time

Ready to start earning a commission? Here’s how to set up your Logie to get started.  

Happy to have you on board! Our platform gives you the tools and opportunities you need to generate a decent income as an Amazon influencer. To get started earning a commission, you need to first set up your profile and understand how to seamlessly use the system. 

Now, here’s how to set up your Logie storefront in 8 easy steps. 

Step 1: Navigate to ‘Settings

Click on your Channel Name on the top right corner of your screen. 

Select ‘Settings’ from the drop-down menu. 

The Settings sidebar should appear on the right side of your screen. 

From this settings screen, you can fill in your profile details, notification preferences, payment details, storefront preferences, Amazon tracking ID, and more so you can start earning commissions via Logie.

Step 2: Complete Your Personal Info

Click to expand the Personal Info settings option and make sure your basic info (your name, channel name, email address, DOB, phone number, and address, bio, etc)  is correctly set up from this part of the settings screen. 

Note: We typically ship samples to help you create content on products you are matched with. For this reason, it’s important you make sure to enter the correct and full details particularly i the address field (street number, apartment/unit number, city, state, and zip code).

Hit the ‘Save’ button when done. 

Your channel name, which appears on your storefront, can be anything you want. This information is necessary for Logi to ship products to you and is kept confidential per Logi’s privacy policy and terms of service.

Step 3: Provide Your Socials 

Setup your social media handles and toggle on the profiles that you’d like to appear public on your go.shopping shopfront. 

Step 4: Send Invitation Codes

Got a friend or colleague who’s also an influencer and might benefit from our software tools and monetization? We give you some codes that you can use to invite them on board. Simply enter an email address and hit Send.  

Step 5: Select Notifications Preferences

Notifications are turned on by default. We recommend you keep it this way so you stay furnished on the latest news and updates. 

Step 6: Setup Your Payment Details

Setting up your payment details on Logie is easy. Click to expand on the Payment Settings option then hit ‘Get Paid’.

Enter your legal name (must match with your bank account), select your bank account, and enter your address. 

Note: you must have updated your Amazon store ID to be able to set up your payment details. 

Step 7: Setup Your Storefront 

Your storefront is your personal area on Logie. It’s a custom virtual storefront that you use to showcase and promote products you have selected. You can also view your product collections, your followers, the people you are following, and more from your unique storefront URL (go.shopping/yourusername). 

Select the ‘Go Shopping Settings’ option to toggle some quick options for this page. 

Click on your URL hyperlink button or copy the shopfront URL and open it in a new browser tab if you’d like to update your background and profile photo. 

Step 8: Enter Your Amazon Tracking ID

Your Amazon Tracking ID ensures that all your Logie-generated shoppable content (videos, posts, etc) is effectively tracked so you can earn commissions. 

You can find your tracking ID in your Amazon associate account. Make sure you copy it without any spaces at the beginning and at the end.

Click ‘Other Settings’ to paste it to your Logie account.

Note: To test that your tracking ID is correct, copy any product link from your storefront. Paste it into your URL bar and check if it includes your tracking ID. If it doesn’t, you won’t receive any commissions from Amazon.

After using Logie for a while and finding it easy to navigate, you can create a new tracking ID on Amazon; this step is optional and unnecessary for beginners.


To ensure that you receive credit for the traffic coming from your storefront, you need to update your Amazon associate account settings. Under account settings, click on ‘edit your websites‘ and add your go.shopping storefront URL to your list of websites.



Logi syncs with your data to ensure all your on-site and off-site sales are tracked under Amazon’s terms of service. Your information remains confidential, and you’re fully protected and compliant with Amazon’s requirements.

With everything set up correctly, you can start making money on Logie. This complete setup ensures you’re fully prepared to maximize your earnings on the platform.

Join Our Community

Logie is a thriving community that brings together eCommerce brands and influencers. Our AI, creator tools, reporting features, monetization model, and training programs are redefining brand-influencer collaboration and social commerce as you know it. Welcome to this space. 

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