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How to use the ‘Script Generator

How to use the script generator.

Quick thanks to Junaid Ahmed who made this great video about how to use the Logie new function ‘Generate Script’.

He uses it to get all the data about the products in his carousel instantly and makes his shows more ‘Descriptive and Demonstrative’ as Amazon Live’s best practices require.

Other cool stuff about it:
 – If you’re doing the same show time after time and want to make it more interesting, duplicate the show (Manage show > Settings > Duplicate), and simply change the order of the products by dragging and dropping them. When you’ll click Generate Script it’ll always generate it based on the new order you created – saving you tons of time (we used to do this manually on google docs and it was a nightmare!)

 – You can also use the final script as a “show’s brief” if you don’t have a teleprompter. Rather than going to each product page on Amazon and studying it or copying and pasting data – simply generate the script, read it before each show and have all the important details in your mind. 

 – Use it to answer live questions. Someone asks you a question about one of the products? You will be ready to find the answer easily by looking at the generated script. We also numbered the products so you can easily find the 7th product or the 17th product instantly.

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